it is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of an opinion must be in want of a soapbox

Standing back to get a closer look

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Choose your own context for search results

What about a browser plug in that gave you more control over search results? I've often scanned results looking for a result from a domain I recognise or looking for a term that shows me it has the right context. Let's be fair, the only reason I ever make it past the first page is because I'm fairly sure what I'm looking for is out there somewhere but it hasn't been kindly positioned under my nose by Google (or anyone else).

And when I do get relevant options at the top of the list, I often consider no more than five options before I make a choice. There must be a wealth of information out there just waiting to enlighten me but if the first options seem at least adequate then having to go beyond the first  results page seems like too much effort.

So my idea is a simple results analyser and filtering tools. Business is demonstrating the value of informatics and I reckon consumer informatics tools must be on the way to help us process the seemingly limitless information available online.

My idea is to gather and index a pre-set number of the cached results returned for any search (maybe 100 by default) and, as a starting point for the plug-in, do two things with it:
  • Create a word cloud. An absolutely standard word cloud where the word appears larger based on the number of times it is used and omitting the basic words we use to string concepts together (unless they form part of the search term). You'd expect to see the search term quite large at the centre and get an insight into a much bigger picture. Clicking on a word in the cloud will bring those specific results (already returned) which also include that word to the top. Double-clicking would add the word to the search term and get new results.
  • Prioritise results by a simple brand and domain favourites system. During normal surfing, any trusted/preferred domain can be added in the same way as a bookmark (and organised into groups etc). When adding a domain, the user will be prompted to confirm the domain's brand (e.g. = B&Q). Following a search, the user will be notified how many of the results come from  preferred domains and how many of the results contain preferred brands. By selecting a domain, brand or group or either the plug-in will automatically bring those sites to the top. Again, double-clicking will add the brand or domain to the search terms and re-submit.
Hopefully this could give surfers broader views and more insight into what opportunities and information lie hidden beyond the next results.

Music in the key of £

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The unsigned band merchandise site

Here's an idea that's just crying out to be done - a branded merchandise store for unsigned bands. There must be hundreds of thousands of new/unsigned/garage bands out there at the moment, with no shortage of supply to replace those who don't make it. And what self-respecting band's vision of success doesn't have the band and/or their adoring fans decked out in t-shirts, caps and badges emblazoned with the band's name?

So there's a market out there. Each band might in its entire lifetime only order five pieces of apparel, but, with the sheer number of potential customers (including families and friends) and the high churn rate, the markets total volume should be high enough to make a nice earner for someone even at low margins.

The technology and services needed to set this up are easily available and require very little cost and effort to set up. I've set up a sample site at using an online apparel customising and ordering service called All the example site would need now is an appropriately themed CSS template creating and it's ready for business. The pricing I've used in the sample would return a £1 profit per item.

With the site complete, a marketing and advertising campaign would be needed to establish the brand name and acquire users (both bands and shoppers). I think it would be ideal for someone who would be happy working the unsigned band gig circuit to get bands on board and advertising in publications like NME as well as online.

In terms of maintaining the site, the only involvement would be in ensuring the logos to be used are suitable and uploaded. The service even allows purchasers to use the logos as they wish on any of the items stocked (including buttons, caps, coasters etc).

Most bands would buy very few items but now and then a band might over time generate substantial sales. Probably a bit of a lifestyle business, but I think the potential is there for the taking.